by Staff | Jun 1, 2007 | Management Consulting
Unquantifiable impact of Management Consultants Essential benefits of any given action in business need to be quantifiable and identifiable in a meaningful way. Many forms of such quantification may include cost-benefit analysis, statistical modeling, profit and...
by Staff | May 18, 2007 | Management Consulting Blog, Marketing
Pricing Strategy Generally speaking, pricing strategy is the process of evaluation and the decision to price any given product or service in a manner that would allow the maximum quantity of sales. The pricing strategy can shape based on many factors including...
by Staff | Apr 29, 2007 | Management Consulting Blog, Marketing
Marketing and customer satisfaction The concept of marketing and its potential impact on overall customer satisfaction is certainly a part of the overall importance of business. In general terms, marketing and marketing science are significant factors in stimulating...
by Online Staff | Apr 12, 2007 | Management Consulting
Management Consulting Success and failure Many times, it is difficult to come up with some sort of objective measurement to judge the performance of management consultants. There is certainly scientific and nonscientific methodology to measure the success and failure...