Interest-Based Avenue refers to a particular subcategory of ethical analysis in which the evaluations of the ethical and moral impact are determined by the outcome. Hence the means to an end is not as important as the end itself.
In its most basic form, the Interest Based Avenue attempts to assign subjective value to the “interest” of the stakeholders of the participating matter; the interest of the stakeholders trumps individual rights. This particular approach appears to be rather morally flexible to protect the material and non-material interests of the participants. One might even suggest that an interest-based avenue is a capitalist form of moral evaluation.
However, this approach has some apparent issues: first and most importantly, it seems virtually subjective to assign moral values to a particular outcome. Further, it is equally discretionary to discard fundamental individual rights in exchange for tangible material interest. Additionally, it is not particularly clear if there are preset values that would mirror the stakes and interest, nor is it clear if the outcome simply justifies all possible means.
Ultimately, it appears that the Interest-Based Venue is the moral equal of capitalism, in which the maximization of the beneficial and profitable outcome outweighs the basic rights.
In the case of Arthur Anderson, this particular approach is at the heart of the matter: similar philosophy may have been the cause of the intellectual and philosophical breakdown which lead to attempts to hide losses using fraud to enhance accounting reports which in turn may have contributed to increase of shareholder profits. Likewise, one may argue that though Arthur Anderson has abided by the most basic principle of business, i.e., creating the greatest possible profit for all the participating shareholders, they chose a morally inferior approach to ignore the means to achieve the end. But the results speak not only to the failure of this theory mode but also its practical consequences.
Ultimately, it appears that those that use Interest – Based Venue to justify non-linear, obscure, and dubious actions to protect the material interest simply ignore the substantial flaws of moral derivatives that may result in less desirable income and even may end in harming their stakeholders.
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